A new study published in JAMA highlights positive discharge numbers for hospitals participating in the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) model.

The study analyzed changes in discharges to institutional post-acute care after lower extremity joint replacement (LEJR) episodes among Medicare beneficiaries following implementation of the CJR bundled payments in 2016. Comparing metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) covered by the CJR to a group of control MSAs, the study found patient discharges to institutional post-acute care was 30.8% for CJR participants… 2.9% lower than the control group. The study authors called this “a significant difference,” though they cautioned that further evaluation was necessary.

Improving the coordination of discharge patterns and enhancing the utilization of post-acute services can increase the quality of care delivered to the patient. MedBen Analytics provides the reporting necessary to compare current performance to benchmarks which allows clinical and strategic decision support teams to set goals and measure performance over time.

The insights offered through timely analytic information can decrease claim costs and increase internal cost savings. All of the lessons learned that are a result of bundled payments spill over to the overall population, thereby benefitting patient and provider alike.

MedBen Analytics is designed with the express purpose of maximizing the value of care provided to patients by decreasing ineffective costly treatment while helping providers to ensure the best patient care. We’d be happy to show you how our reporting platform can work to your best advantage. To set up a demonstration, please contact MedBen President & COO Kurt Harden at 888-633-2364 or email kharden@medben.com