“If the data is there, we can rebuild it,” said MedBen President & COO Kurt Harden at the Seventh National Bundled Payment Summit in Arlington, Virginia on June 27.

Speaking on the topic of how health systems and hospitals can make bundled payments work to their best medical and financial advantage, Harden said that these value-based programs “have given providers critical data to improve care and cost, if the data is properly deployed.”

By taking disparate Medicaid data and transforming it into practical insights, MedBen Analytics is designed to give health care providers clear information that helps them to uncover inefficiencies and make improvements to the delivery of patient care, from surgery through post-acute.

Harden also demonstrated MedBen Analytics’ drill-down functionality that enables users to review care from the system level all the way to individual services. “And there is no additional charge for extra users,” Harden noted.

Harden attended the summit with Wendell Crain, Director of Security, Infrastructure and Web Development for MedBen Analytics.

Organizations interested in discussing MedBen Analytics’ services can call Harden at 888-633-2364 or email him at kharden@medben.com.